The 7 Keys to Great Decision Making

Let's talk about seven great ways to make sure that we solve issues in our business. I like to call them my seven keys to great decision making.

The 7 Keys to Great Decision Making

#1 The first key is to remember that consensus management fails every single time. When solving a problem, you might get to a consensus, but never think that you must have a consensus. When you do that, you're breeding indecision, complaining, and therapy sessions. All of this is just to get to a decision that most people agree to or at least the leader within the business agrees to. To the extent that you make that decision, everyone might not agree. That is fine and that is healthy, but everyone must agree to support that decision and to do their best to see that it gets implemented. If it doesn't get implemented, you come back and you try again.#2 The second great key is don't be a weenie. You can't make a decision. You've got to make a decision. Sometimes you'll find the answers are simple, but they're often hard to implement. Don't be a weenie, step up to the play and get it done. That's why you get the big bucks, right?#3 The third item is that any decision is better than no decision. Why would we say that? When you think about it, if we make no decisions in default, we don't know what's going to happen. We haven't applied any thought to the process at all. When we do make a decision, at least we get the ball moving. We can adjust and move it a little bit right and left as needed, and we can make progress. When you don't even take that first step, you're going nowhere and you can't possibly solve the problem. So take the risk, come up with a solution and move forward.#4 The fourth great key is that greater good matters, but ego, politics and personal agenda don't. The greater good and what is best for the organization matters, not what's best for you personally. Set it aside. If you allow politics, ego and personal agenda to override your decision-making process, you're going to fail. You're going to be stuck and you're not going get there. You're not going to have the success that you always wished you could have. Focus on the greater good. You're a leader and that's what you're supposed to do.#5 The fifth key is live with the situation, end the situation, or change it. Those are your only three options. If you decide that the problem isn't that big of a deal anyway and you're going to live with it, that's okay as long as you make a conscious decision to do that under default. Don't live with it because you were afraid to make a decision. If you can't live with it, decide that you're going to make an effort to solve it. Or, if there's something going on that we can end and just make it go away, end it. You've got to do one of these three things though. Live with the situation, end the situation, or change it.#6 The sixth key is to trade short-term pain for long-term gain. You've likely heard that one before with me here and in many different settings, but it really is so important. Short-term gain is just that, short term. It's not gonna give you long-term success. Always look at what the best long-term situation is, and don't get stuck on the short term.#7 The seventh and final key is to deal with your greatest fear. Sometimes we're afraid to take that next step. Maybe it deals with a relationship with someone or with an organization. Maybe it deals with a relationship with some of our customers or employees and making a change within that group of employees. Deal with your greatest fear, because it's usually going to be your greatest breakthrough as well. So whatever that is, whatever is keeping you awake at night that you're struggling with, deal with it and make it go away. If you do, it will make a huge impact on your business.These are just seven keys to making good decisions. The bottom line is to take action. You can make it happen! Don't accept the status quo. You're better than that.Thanks so much for visiting and feel free to check out my other videos for more ideas on how to break through and reach the next level in your business. And, if you like this video, please subscribe.


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