Common Issues That Knock Business Owners Off Track


**This guest blog was written and submitted by Lucille Rosetti from The Bereaved.** 

Trying to build a business from scratch is seriously hard work. However, it’s not always the work itself that makes it hard for business leaders to thrive. Often, it’s the little mistakes or bad habits you pick up along the way that really derail your progress. These small issues might not feel like much when they’re happening, but they add up, and with time, can make it difficult if not impossible to keep your business running successfully. 

That’s why it’s so important to take an honest look at yourself as a business owner. Periodically reviewing your approach and workflow puts you in the best position to make the choices you need to thrive. Mentoring 2 Mastery takes a look at some of the most common issues that keep business owners from reaching their goals: 

Spreading Yourself Too Thin  

Probably the most common problem business owners face is spreading themselves too thin. In some ways, this can feel like an inevitability when running a business. After all, there’s always a lot to do, and getting it done can be the difference between scraping by or falling apart. However, it’s a mistake to assume you must do all that work yourself, as you’re almost certain to drop the ball at some point. 

Turning to the resources you have available to you can make a huge difference and put you in a far stabler position. For example, you may have been putting off forming an LLC for your small business because the process is relatively tedious and seems complicated. Instead of pulling your own hair out trying to get it done get some qualified help to knock it out. Check out these videos at Mentoring 2 Mastery to learn how to get the legal protection you expect from your LLC or small business corporation.

Neglecting Self-Care 

When business owners take on too much work, they usually drop self-care in order to make time. This is a huge mistake. Basic self-care like a good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise will make a massive difference in how you feel and, as a result, how well your business runs. It’s nearly impossible to be focused and creative when you barely have the energy to get through the day. 

Although it may require you to take a slower pace or hire extra help in the office, commit to these basic self-care steps. Be sure to eat three full, healthy meals each day, as well as to drink plenty of water. Set a consistent sleep and wake time to regulate your circadian rhythms and get the most out of your sleep schedule. Finally, make time to exercise each day, even if it’s a simple 30-minute walk during your lunch break. These steps will add up and help you keep the energy and stamina you need to keep your business going. 

Avoiding or Ignoring Feedback 

Finally, one of the worst things you can do as a business owner is assume you’re doing everything right. Many business owners get very attached to their own ideas. Although this is perfectly natural, it’s important to allow yourself to take a step back and look at them objectively once in a while. After all, you don’t know everything - and discussing your options with others may be beneficial. 

Take time to check in with your employees, customers, investors, mentors, and even trusted friends and family members. Ask them to give you their impressions of your business, and bounce issues you’ve been having off them to see if they have any advice. Even if you don’t learn anything actionable out of the process, you might get a chance to learn about a new idea or process you wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. 


These are just a look at some of the most common issues business owners face. At the end of the day, the best thing you can do is to set yourself up for success but prepare for the road blocks. This way, when road bumps arise, you’ll be ready to react with confidence. 


Photo Credit:Pexels


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