What Makes a Good Manager?
Do you define a manager only by the tasks for which they are responsible? Steve explains that HOW a great manager accomplishes tasks with their team is far more important than the tasks themselves. A good manager employs servant leadership to encourage and orchestrate the tasks completed by the team.
How to achieve personal freedom
Today I wrap up the series on interruptions and time wasters with a challenge for you. If you could only work 2 hours a day, that's right, 2 hours a day…
How to get control over interruptions and time wasters
Interruptions and time wasters, the things that keep us from doing what's really important. In my last post, how to do more while working less,
How to do more while working less.
I was introduced to a concept awhile back called Parkinson's Law. I read about it in the Tim Ferriss book The 4-Hour Workweek.
Beating Frustration in Your Small Business
Last time I told you about the 80/20 principle and recommended you read The 80/20 Principle. Take a minute to review that post on Pareto's Law.
Pareto's Law - more time, more profits, less headaches!
Want to change your life? I did when I "met" Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Actually he passed away in 1923 but I was introduced…
New Year-New Opportunity
Happy new year everybody! It is a happy new year ... right? Sometimes with the economy in trouble and uncertainty on every side
Think BIG: Changing Your Small Business Owner Brain
I talk a lot about the nuts and bolts of starting or buying and running a small business. In my coaching and consulting business…
Dream BIG with a Mastermind Group!
I often recommend that small business owners and entrepreneurs have three key tools in their "success toolbox": a coach, a mentor and a mastermind group.
The Coach/Client Relationship
No doubt, many of you wonder what a coach is, especially one without a whistle around their neck. There are many types of business and life coaches and the coaching relationship is unique to the coach and the client.