Use Key Predictive Indicators to Help Employees Succeed
Think about KPI's - the two or three actions that will indicate success - when communicating expectations to an employee.
Expecting Excellence from your Employees
Expecting - and getting - excellence from your employees does not happen by accident.
Cost-Effective Ways to Hire New Employees
There are some small signs of the recession residing a bit. NOT big signs, but for some of you, you may want to hire a few additional…
Employee Retention Strategies for Small Businesses
t's been an employer's world for awhile now. Employee retention, especially of key talent, has…
Customer Service & HR Lessons via Zappos.com
This weekend I watched a piece on Zappos.com on CBS Sunday Morning. For anyone unfamiliar with Zappos…
Cheap Employee "Benefits"
Along with employee salaries, employee benefits are a significant portion of an overall company budget.
Secrets to Managing Challenging Employees
You are a small business owner with a thousand things on your mind and tasks to mark off your "to do" list. Like a gnat buzzing in your ear, you know you need to deal with a technician…