Accountability: What Needs to Happen at Your Weekly Team Meetings

So we've taken some time to identify our 90-day company objectives or company rocks, and we've also broken it down into our individual rocks. Each member of our leadership or management team has some specific objectives that they need to accomplish in the next 90 days in order to be on track to accomplish your one-year objectives, which will in turn allow you to accomplish your three-year objectives.

The Weekly Leadership Team Meeting

So how do we stay on track? How do we make sure that we really are making progress toward those objectives? My recommendation is that we have a weekly leadership team meeting, and in that weekly leadership team meeting, we are going to be accountable to the other members of our team for our progress in meeting those objectives. If we say that these are the things I want to accomplish in 90 days and we wait 90 days to get it done, I'll tell you this, you're going to wait. You will procrastinate until the last minute and then you'll have to jump hard to try and get it all done, and it's just not going to work.

Why Is This Meeting So Important?

These leadership team meetings allow us to stay accountable to the specific actions that we're going to do each week in order to ensure that we meet our 90-day objective. These weekly to-dos are the things that we want to stay accountable to the other members of our leadership team. I you don't have a leadership team and you're a solo person, you can find a friend, relative, or another business associate that you trust to help keep you accountable. This is someone you can check in with on a weekly basis to let them know that you are on track. These were the to-dos I said that I complete, and these are the ones that I actually accomplished. It's good to have that accountability and a check-in place to make sure that you really make progress. In the next video, we're going to talk about what that leadership team meeting look like in regards to an agenda. Join me there and we'll talk about it! Thanks so much for visiting. Check out my other videos for more ideas on how to break through and reach the next level in your business. And, if you like this video, please subscribe.


Accountability: Designing Your Weekly Leadership Team Agenda


Accountability in Business: Establishing Your Individual Rocks