The Right Entity for your Business: Incorporation or LLC


Choosing the right form of entity for your business is vital. There are liability issues, tax strategies, and asset protection issues to consider. You must protect your personal assets and minimize your tax burden.It's always easier to make the right choice before you start a business, but even if you're already in business, you should still stop and take time to get it right.Are you a corporation? An subchapter S corporation? A sole proprietorship? An LLC? Do you know why and are you taking advantage of the tax and liability protection that they offer? If you're not sure of the answer, call or email me and I'll help you learn the right answer.I am an attorney in Colorado helping you with proper selection of an entity for your business. I handle business incorporation, LLC formation, partnerships, and trusts as needed.Want to find out more about our plans and costs? Click YES! by Steven Schlagel


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