A Constant State of Recruitment: How to Find The Right People for Your Business
Today, we're talking about how to find the right people in your organization. In the previous video, I talked about the fact that people aren't your greatest resource. The RIGHT people are your greatest resource.
Big Bold Goals Take You Further
Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners set big bold goals. Gary Vaynerchuk will…
Hone Your Listening Skills
Listening is a skill that few people have mastered. And if you find one who has, you can be sure that they are respected and well-liked…
Who's Next?
Succession planning. Heard of it? Too often it is one of those last minute thoughts or assumptions on the mind of a small business owner.
Is Your Personality Killing Business?
Is your personality killing your business? We all know someone who seems to chronically get in their own way. Short-tempered and short-sighted…
6 Leadership Qualities You Must Develop
Small business owners can be their own worst enemies. They can be short-tempered, short-sighted and chronically worried.
Treat Your Employees as Partners
Employee motivation is a challenging and complex issue. Why shouldn't employees be skeptical about investing their future in a single endeavor?