Understanding IRS Allowable Salary for S Corporation Owners
How much can I pay myself from an S corporation?

What Makes a Good Manager?
Do you define a manager only by the tasks for which they are responsible? Steve explains that HOW a great manager accomplishes tasks with their team is far more important than the tasks themselves. A good manager employs servant leadership to encourage and orchestrate the tasks completed by the team.

Anticipate your Business Strategy with a Buy Sell Agreement
100 percent of businesses end at some point. If you have one or more business partners, start the relationship with a business prenuptial - a buy-sell agreement - as part of your exit strategy for your business. Steve hits some of the important aspects of a buy-sell agreement as a good business strategy.

Apply the 80-20 Rule to Maximize Results in Your Business
Running lean - and using your business resources wisely - ensures productivity, profitability and longevity.
Business Writing Improvement Tips
Back when you were in high school or college, I'll bet you didn't devote much time to your English classes. Most of us didn't. We sure should have.
Think Like an Entrepreneur!
I talk a lot about the nuts and bolts of starting or buying and running a small business.
Technology: Servant of Your Small Business Strategy
Technology should be servant - not master - of your small business strategy. Phone systems, mobile phone apps, payroll management…
Pay Attention to your Personality Index
We all know the "personality" who constantly seems to get in his or her own way. Short-tempered and shortsighted…
Business Owners Need Resumes Too
Who needs a resume when you're self-employed? The simple answer is that you do - and you need to grow it with your small business. Why?
Need Better Cash Flow?
Smart business owners can improve their cash flow cycle with a few simple changes to their business practices.
Values Inventory: Unearth Your Best Life
Your values tell the story of who you are and who you want to be. Whether you are growing a small business…
Some Thoughts on Higher Education
Higher education is coming under fire these days and I'm one of its many skeptics. I've written here about apprenticeships versus higher education and will continue to explore alternatives…
Big Bold Goals Take You Further
Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners set big bold goals. Gary Vaynerchuk will…
Small Business Cloud Computing
I think we small business owners are starting to take cloud computing for granted.
10 Tips For a Stellar Resume
Ok. so you are a small business owner and not a job seeker, so you may wonder "why this post?".
Is YOUR Price Right?
Small business owners generally aren't very schooled in how to set prices for their products or services.
Book Review: Eat That Frog!
Procrastination is a part of the human condition. Even the most successful people and small business owners procrastinate.
Inspiring Confidence
Inspiring confidence is a key attribute of a successful small business owner or entrepreneur. Confidence from whom?
Difficult Conversations in Business
Whether you succeed or fail in business and in life could be a matter of how you manage difficult conversations-or if you ever have them at all.
Who's Next?
Succession planning. Heard of it? Too often it is one of those last minute thoughts or assumptions on the mind of a small business owner.