Recordkeeping Tips for Small Business
What are the record keeping requirements for my small business? Steve walks you through these requirements (and what the IRS…

Make the Most of Every Opportunity: Are You Fat & Happy or Lean & Mean
Many businesses that aren't "lean & mean" go out of business in today's economy. Stay on top of your competition so you don't lose your customer base.

What Can I Use as a Tax Deduction for My Business?
Steve is frequently asked: "Can you provide a list of tax deductions for my business?" Go beyond those "lists" and think about those expenses that might be unique to your business.

How to Use your iPad to Make Videos the Easy Way
It is really simple to use an iPad to make videos for your business. You can utilize iMovie and record videos for your business.

Focus on Your Strengths to Maximize Productivity
Understand and focus on your Strengths to maximize your productivity and satisfaction. Don't waste time working on tasks and projects that frustrate you and bring you no enjoyment. Instead, learn more about your own strengths and focus your efforts in those areas.

Be Willing to Walk Away for Your Best Negotiations
If you care too much about "getting the deal done," chances are the results won't be good. If you are willing to walk away from the deal, you become a very strong negotiator and end up with a deal that makes good sense. Be willing to walk away for your best negotiations.

Minimize Interruptions to Maximize Productivity
Interruptions can be a business killer. Each interruption statistically takes 45 minutes of your time to get back on track. Structure your day with uninterrupted blocks of work time to increase your business productivity. Being available to your employees, clients, friends and family is always important but be sure to build structured time blocks into your week and you will see a huge difference in your business productivity.

Apply the 80-20 Rule to Maximize Results in Your Business
Running lean - and using your business resources wisely - ensures productivity, profitability and longevity.

Time is True Wealth
Time is the currency that allows us the freedom to do the things that make life worth living.

Overcoming Roadblocks in an Uncertain Economy
Discover four ways to thrive in a challenging economy.

Understanding Your Company's Financial Statements
Discover more about what your financial statements tell you about the health of your small business.

Diversify Your Business to Weather an Uncertain Economy
Explore four reasons to diversify your business in the face of this uncertain economy.

Think Strategically for Business Success
Discover why a well thought-out strategy is instrumental to your small business success.

Case Study - Using Key Predictive Indicators
Continental Airlines employed a simple focus on Key Predictive Indicators to turn the company around.

Discover How to Order Your Business Priorities
Focus your time on maximizing sales in order to have a bigger impact on your business success.

Explore Alternatives, Then Focus on a Few
Discover how focus on a few products or services can bring you business success, but only after evaluating multiple ideas.

Crafting Your Company's Value Proposition
You already know how important it is to test market your product or service whether you are buying an existing business or starting a new business. It's equally important to articulate why customers should buy from you instead of one of your competitors. What makes you different? What is your business's unique selling proposition? Hint: "we do it better, faster, etc." isn't it - everyone says that. Steve encourages you to take some time to really explore all the ways you can distinguish yourself from your competitors. Ask your own business advisors to assist with the process, or ask Steve by phone or email to help further the process.

The Balance Sheet - Understanding This Snapshot of Your Business
Learn about three major things you can look for on your Balance Sheet to understand your business cash flow.

Learn From Others to Move Forward
Striving to continuously improve contributes to your success. Discover how a mentor can help...

Discover Your Number One Priority as a Manager
Job One as a manager is to improve the skills and attitudes of the people that work for you, making them the best that they can be.